A quiet, uneventful week where nothing of note happened

Yep, you saw the title up there, nothing to report this week. Nope nothing at all…

Unless you count being nominated for the Best Student Game Award at the Game Awards as something worth talking about of course!

The Game Awards is an annual awards ceremony that recognises game creators and publishers. Games are usually nominated by a pool of journalists, with awards decided by popular vote.

This is the first year that there has been a Best Student Game Award. We submitted Level Squared for consideration in early November via an online application portal. We included our trailer and links to our presskit and website, as well as details about the development team.

And I guess they saw something in there that they liked, cos I found out when I woke up on Wednesday morning that we had been nominated!

There are five other really cools games nominated as well, from all over the world. It’s unbelievably cool to be up for consideration with all these great games from so many different places.

Best Student Game is not decided by popular vote. Instead it is decided by a panel of judges.

These judges:



So, yeah, that’s about all that happened this week.

was planning to talk about the games I was making over the summer break, but I guess that will have to wait for a couple of weeks until this is over.

Anyway, here’s a selection of links to pages where Level Squared (a game I worked on) is mentioned alongside games like Super Mario Odessey, Horizon: Zero Dawn, PUBG, Breath of the Wild and Destiny 2: