New Mechanics and News!

You might have seen a gif that we shared from our twitter account yesterday showing a new mechanic we’ve been working on.

In case you didn’t…

What have here is a mechanic we’re calling Passive Projection.

The idea is a twist on the projection mechanic that we already have in the game. Instead of the player casting the projection from themself, the projection is cast from a stationary block, and can be used to project the player to a different location.

This is essentially using the mechanics that we already have, but twisting them just slightly to open up some new ways of making puzzles.

And this actually gives us two new mechanics. We can create a block that can project other blocks when the player presses a button, as well as a block that projects the player when they are in a particular position. Players can use this to get past solid walls for example.

It’s pretty cool that we are still finding new ways to use the mechanics that we have, and build them out into more complex systems. This is something that we are going to have to do if we want Level Squared to be enjoyable over more than a twenty minute play session.

We have a couple more mechanics that we are investigating at the moment, so hopefully we’ll be able to keep this drip feed of new stuff going!

And in some super cool news: We’ve made the list of finalists for the Play by Play Festival!

Play by Play is held in Wellington in New Zealand. We are a finalist for the “That Game From Across The Ditch” Award, which is open to games made in Australia.

The other finalists are Florence by Mountains, Rumu by Robot House and The Gardens Between by The Voxel Agents.

This is pretty daunting company to be in for our team, so we’re simultaneously excited and a bit overwhelmed.

I’m going to be heading over the New Zealand in April for the conference and the award ceremony, so if you’re there, keep an eye out for me!